Frequently Asked Questions

You have a question? Find out answers to some frequently asked questions.
Knowledge of client standing in the market enables more informed credit decisions. This results in improved ability to price risk appropriately, as well as faster and more accurate decisions when offering credit.
We do not charge for submitting data.
We get our information from credit providers and public records.
Our reports are available only to organisations that provide us with data. We do not sell our credit reports to non-data contributing customers.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has established a credit reference system mandated to promote efficient, timely and accurate credit information sharing thereby enhancing credit risk management, governance systems and fostering credit discipline in the market.
It is in the best interest of your business to protect your good customers from being over-indebted by accessing excessive credit. By having them on the database, it wil be indicated that they have obligations with your organisation and will not inadvertently become over borrowed, and will thus be able to fulfil their financial commitments towards you more easily. The credit report information we provide is limited to the enquired individuals or companies, and we do not and will never sell credit information submitted by a credit provider as a whole data set.
XDS upholds the General Principles for Credit reporting (World Bank), and we have in place data security policies and procedures right from data collection to processing up to the dissemination of reports. We further use firewall protection to control all incoming and outgoing traffic, encryption methods when transmitting data, and also have strong password protection for our user's accounts to ensure that data is secure.
By submitting negative data, your organisation will increase their collections from defaulters as they will not access further funds from other credit providers until they settle their financial obligations with your organisation.
Yes, we do collect judgement data from our credit providers.
We have a validation process that is carried out on all received data to ensure it accurate. Furthermore, we have a dispute resolution process in place through which a customer is allowed to dispute information about their credit. When a customer disputes through this process, that particular customer's data is investigated and if it is discovered that the information is inaccurate, it will be updated accordingly.